Remember the movie, Star Wars? We

Journaling the Journey is the true story of one guy driving across
the U.S. in a red Corvette convertible while keeping a journal, and his
Yoda-like self from 36 years in the future revealing wisdom of the ages for the
reader to contemplate regarding their own life through journaling.
Consider 25 Spiritual Insights and see how they can be applied to dramatically
change your life............or not. That's up to you.
Here's an excerpt from Chapter 4, "Love is a Many Splendoured Thing":
March 8 – Monday – 1:15 pm - in the air en route to Aspen
“Left Fox with Joan, and I’m sure she’ll enjoy it. Hope she decides to give her back to me!! I may be stupid for doing things like that and maybe it’s irresponsible but I do get a lot of joy and satisfaction out of sharing and watching other people being happy. If I get burned some day, so be it. In the meantime, I prefer to believe that what you put out eventually comes back to you tenfold. I miss Joan but I can’t’ be sure how much of it is due to the loneliness of being alone again. I know she tried to keep away from ‘making love’ so as not to further screw up her head, but there definitely were times that we touched each other – more out of bed than in. Those times were really nice. I hope I just don’t mess up her mind again. I really would like to help her get straight again. It’s just that I don’t know how to get to know someone without reaching in and touching them. Our relationship has been short by time standards, Joan, and mostly sweet – probably 98% sweet. I just hope that it does you more good than harm. “
Caring about someone and wanting the best for them is one indicator that love is moving through you. It can be expressed as simply as helping a child who has fallen, smiling at someone passing you on the street, enjoying the look or smell of a neighbor’s flower garden, or being on time when you are meeting someone who values punctuality. Sure, there are bigger ways of showing love. Maybe you went to Louisiana or Mississippi after Hurricane Katrina. Maybe you adopted a handicapped child. Maybe you donated a large sum of money to a charity that touches your heart. However you offer it, it is the same currency.
Yet loving someone and caring deeply for them does not mean that you can always help them along their life path. If they are caught in a destructive pattern – drugs, alcohol, deceit, or any of a thousand other deadly pursuits – and refuse to even consider breaking away from that pattern, there may be nothing you can do to help them. This is painful to watch when it is happening to someone you love – especially when there is little you can do about it if they refuse to change their path.
SPIRITUAL INSIGHT # 8: If someone you love is
sinking in quicksand and refuses to take the branch you offer but rather insists that you jump in and push them out, your only choices are to sink with them or watch them go under. Choice #1 is always a bad idea!